Below is an internal thought process I had moments ago.
Hmm my gchat status is way old.
Got nothin' new to link to.. I'll just change it to my mood: "stir-crazy"..
*pauses, skims gchat friends list*
..I wonder if anyone would get miffed at that..
Pfff, who could that possibly offend? I'm overthinking this.
..Although there was that time I didn't think twice before posting about X and then Person X made a passive aggressive comment about it when I ran into them a month later... So this might be worth a quick think. Can't hurt.
If I were someone who would get miffed by seeing that gchat status, who would I be?
......A prison inmate!
I'm pretty sure no one on my gchat friends list is in prison..
Then again I'm not completely sure.. I've been bad about keeping up with some of these people..
Then again there's no wifi in jail.
*changes status to "stir-crazy"*
I figured I'd post it here in case I ever need a reminder of the following: 1) stop wondering--there is absolutely no way that you're an undiagnosed genius, and 2) living with your parents is turning you into a crazy person and you need to find excuses to get out of the house more.