Thursday, October 3, 2013

the quicker picker upper.

The season finale of Dexter had me disappointed, confused, even surprised and amazed as my backhanded-optimism and I ("The writers have nowhere to go but up") learned the hard way that "rock-bottom" is more a fluid concept than a ground zero.  But I wasn't outraged.  I would have been, but I'd used up my supply of that 3 seasons ago, when Scott Buck and his writers basically did this:
Deb: I was engaged to a serial killer who kidnapped me and tried to murder me.
Shrink: Right. 
Deb: Then a colleague turned out to be a serial killer.
Shrink: Right.
Deb: Then a boyfriend of mine got tortured by a serial killer.
Shrink: Okay.
Deb: Then another boyfriend got shot by a serial killer's daughter.
Shrink: Uh-huh
Deb: Then my sister-in-law was murdered by a serial killer.
Shrink: Have you considered fucking your brother?